Just to highlight some of its features, its allows users to manage general ads and specialized ads the same way (through modules), it's extremely SEO friendly and features a powerful search utility, to allow visitors to find their desired content.
Features of Classified Website
Search ads by city, state, country, username, or keyword
Allow AdSense ads to be displayed
Control over HTML use in ads
Limit the text size of ad postings
Standard form fields can be enabled or disabled, depending on your needs (title, website, name, country, etc)
Allow or disallow image posting with ads
Automatic expiration of ads (free or paid)
Configurable ad display for AdSense placement
Allow admin to be notified when new ads are posted
Classified ad users can contact the ad poster without exposing the poster’s email (blind email system, similar to Craigslist)
Allows for paid or free ads
Supports PayPal and 2Checkout for paid ads
Multiple fee scales for posting ads (allows you to have longer ad postings with higher fees)
Allow admin to approve ads prior to posting
Allow admin to approve images prior to posting
Users can edit or delete their own ads
Admin can edit or delete all ads in the system
Allows for limiting image posting (by image size, height, width and total count if desired)
Allow image posting or shut it off completely
Control the number, filesize, height and width of images posted